Results for 'Barnard Fraser Snowden'

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  1.  25
    Bringing Philosophy into the Hospital.Fraser Snowden - 1983 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 1 (3):67-81.
  2.  41
    A Dignified Exit. [REVIEW]Fraser Snowden - 1982 - Teaching Philosophy 5 (3):269-271.
  3.  30
    A-V Reviews. [REVIEW]Fraser Snowden - 1979 - Teaching Philosophy 3 (1):127-128.
  4.  38
    Ossian. [REVIEW]Fraser Snowden - 1986 - Teaching Philosophy 9 (1):91-93.
  5.  66
    The Philosophy of the Mòzĭ: The First Consequentialists.Chris Fraser - 2016 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Mohism was an ancient Chinese philosophical movement founded in the fifth century B.C.E. by the charismatic artisan Mozi, or "Master Mo." The Mohists advanced a consequentialist ethics that anticipated Western utilitarianism by more than two thousand years and developed fascinating logical, epistemological, and political theories that set the terms of philosophical debate in China for generations. They were the earliest thinkers to outline a just war doctrine and to explain the origin of government from a state of nature. Their epistemology (...)
  6. The fate of 'particles' in quantum field theories with interactions.Doreen Fraser - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (4):841-859.
    Most philosophical discussion of the particle concept that is afforded by quantum field theory has focused on free systems. This paper is devoted to a systematic investigation of whether the particle concept for free systems can be extended to interacting systems. The possible methods of accomplishing this are considered and all are found unsatisfactory. Therefore, an interacting system cannot be interpreted in terms of particles. As a consequence, quantum field theory does not support the inclusion of particles in our ontology. (...)
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  7. The Ethics of Metaphor.Rachel Elizabeth Fraser - 2018 - Ethics 128 (4):728-755.
    Increasingly, metaphors are the target of political critique: Jewish groups condemn Holocaust imagery; mental health organizations, the metaphorical exploitation of psychosis; and feminists, “rape metaphors.” I develop a novel model for making sense of such critiques of metaphor.
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  8. Aesthetic Injustice.Rachel Fraser - 2024 - Ethics 134 (4):449-478.
    Our aesthetic judgments are embedded in and shaped by unjust social orders. But can our aesthetic judgments themselves—“this is beautiful; that is not”—be unjust? This article argues that they can. Admitting that this is so does not require us to be unduly revisionary with respect to our concept of justice. Rather, the thought that aesthetic judgments are unjust flows naturally from familiar egalitarian constraints.
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  9. The development of renormalization group methods for particle physics: Formal analogies between classical statistical mechanics and quantum field theory.Doreen Fraser - 2020 - Synthese 197 (7):3027-3063.
    Analogies between classical statistical mechanics and quantum field theory played a pivotal role in the development of renormalization group methods for application in the two theories. This paper focuses on the analogies that informed the application of RG methods in QFT by Kenneth Wilson and collaborators in the early 1970's. The central task that is accomplished is the identification and analysis of the analogical mappings employed. The conclusion is that the analogies in this case study are formal analogies, and not (...)
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  10. Quantum field theory: Underdetermination, inconsistency, and idealization.Doreen Fraser - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (4):536-567.
    Quantum field theory (QFT) presents a genuine example of the underdetermination of theory by empirical evidence. There are variants of QFT—for example, the standard textbook formulation and the rigorous axiomatic formulation—that are empirically indistinguishable yet support different interpretations. This case is of particular interest to philosophers of physics because, before the philosophical work of interpreting QFT can proceed, the question of which variant should be subject to interpretation must be settled. New arguments are offered for basing the interpretation of QFT (...)
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  11. The Real Problem with Perturbative Quantum Field Theory.James D. Fraser - 2020 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (2):391-413.
    The perturbative approach to quantum field theory has long been viewed with suspicion by philosophers of science. This article offers a diagnosis of its conceptual problems. Drawing on Norton’s discussion of the notion of approximation I argue that perturbative QFT ought to be understood as producing approximations without specifying an underlying QFT model. This analysis leads to a reassessment of common worries about perturbative QFT. What ends up being the key issue with the approach on this picture is not mathematical (...)
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  12.  96
    Abnormal justice.Nancy Fraser - 2008 - Critical Inquiry 34 (3):393-422.
  13.  91
    Renormalization and the Formulation of Scientific Realism.James Duncan Fraser - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (5):1164-1175.
    Providing a precise statement of their position has long been a central challenge facing the scientific realist. This paper draws some morals about how realism ought to be formulated from the renormalization group framework in high energy physics.
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  14. Wandering the Way: A Eudaimonistic Approach to the Zhuāngzǐ.Chris Fraser - 2014 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 13 (4):541-565.
    The paper develops a eudaimonistic reading of the Zhuāngzǐ 莊子 on which the characteristic feature of a well-lived life is the exercise of dé 德 in a general mode of activity labeled yóu 遊 . I argue that the Zhuāngzǐ presents a second-order conception of agents’ flourishing in which the life of dé is not devoted to predetermined substantive ends or activities with a specific substantive content. Rather, it is marked by a distinctive manner of activity and certain characteristic attitudes. (...)
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  15.  84
    The Higgs mechanism and superconductivity: A case study of formal analogies.Doreen Fraser & Adam Koberinski - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 55:72-91.
    Following the experimental discovery of the Higgs boson, physicists explained the discovery to the public by appealing to analogies with condensed matter physics. The historical root of these analogies is the analogies to models of superconductivity that inspired the introduction of spontaneous symmetry breaking into particle physics in the early 1960s. We offer a historical and philosophical analysis of the analogies between the Higgs model of the electroweak interaction and the Ginsburg-Landau and Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer models of superconductivity, respectively. The conclusion of (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Women, Welfare and The Politics of Need Interpretation.Nancy Fraser - 1987 - Hypatia 2 (1):103-121.
    I argue that social- welfare struggles should become more central for feminists. To clarify these, I offer an analysis of the U.S. welfare system. I expose the system's underlying gender norms and show how administrative practices preemptively define women's needs. I then situate these state practices in a larger terrain of struggle over the interpretation of social needs where feminists can intervene.
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  17.  21
    Vector coding and command fibres.Peter Fraser - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (1):22-23.
  18. Truth In Moist Dialectics.Chris Fraser - 2012 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39 (3):351-368.
    The article assesses Chad Hansen's arguments that both early and later Moist texts apply only pragmatic, not semantic, terms of evaluation and treat “appropriate word or language usage,” not semantic truth. I argue that the early Moist “three standards” are indeed criteria of a general notion of correct dao 道 , not specifically of truth. However, as I explain, their application may include questions of truth. I show in detail how later Moist texts employ terms with the same expressive role (...)
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  19.  71
    Special Section: Transnational Public Sphere: Transnationalizing the Public Sphere.Nancy Fraser - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (4):7-30.
  20.  36
    The Uses and Abuses of French Discourse Theories for Feminist Politics.Nancy Fraser - 1992 - Theory, Culture and Society 9 (1):51-71.
  21. Distinctions, Judgment, and Reasoning in Classical Chinese Thought.Chris Fraser - 2013 - History and Philosophy of Logic 34 (1):1-24.
    The article proposes an account of the prevailing classical Chinese conception of reasoning and argumentation that grounds it in a semantic theory and epistemology centered on drawing distinctions between the similar and dissimilar kinds of things that do or do not fall within the extension of ‘names’. The article presents two novel interpretive hypotheses. First, for pre-Hàn Chinese thinkers, the functional role associated with the logical copula is filled by a general notion of similarity or sameness. Second, these thinkers’ basic (...)
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  22. The nature of moral judgements and the extent of the moral domain.Ben Fraser - 2012 - Philosophical Explorations 15 (1):1-16.
    A key question for research on the evolutionary origins of morality concerns just what the target of an evolutionary explanation of morality should be. Some researchers focus on behaviors, others on systems of norms, yet others on moral emotions. Richard Joyce (2006) offers an evolutionary explanation for the trait of making moral judgments. Here, I defend Joyce’s account of moral judgment against two objections from Stephen Stich (2008). Stich’s first objection concerns the supposed universality of moral judgments as Joyce conceives (...)
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  23.  40
    The twin origins of renormalization group concepts.James D. Fraser - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 89 (C):114-128.
  24.  57
    Anti-infective therapy at end of life: Ethical decision-making in hospice-eligible patients.Paul J. Ford, Thomas G. Fraser, Mellar P. Davis & And Eric Kodish - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (4):379–392.
    Clear guidelines addressing the ethically appropriate use of anti-infectives in the setting of hospice care do not exist. There is lack of understanding about key treatment decisions related to infection treatment for patients who are eligible for hospice care. Ethical concerns about anti-infective use at the end of life include: (1) delaying transition to hospice, (2) prolonging a dying process, (3) prescribing regimens incongruent with a short life expectancy and goals of care, (4) increasing the reservoir of potential resistant pathogens, (...)
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  25. Risk, doubt, and transmission.Rachel Elizabeth Fraser - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (10):2803-2821.
    Despite their substantial appeal, closure principles have fallen on hard times. Both anti-luck conditions on knowledge and the defeasibility of knowledge look to be in tension with natural ways of articulating single-premise closure principles. The project of this paper is to show that plausible theses in the epistemology of testimony face problems structurally identical to those faced by closure principles. First I show how Lasonen-Aarnio’s claim that there is a tension between single premise closure and anti-luck constraints on knowledge can (...)
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  26.  94
    The Limitations of Ritual Propriety: Ritual and Language in Xúnzǐ and Zhuāngzǐ.Chris Fraser - 2012 - Sophia 51 (2):257-282.
    This essay examines the theory of ritual propriety presented in the Xúnzǐ and criticisms of Xunzi-like views found in the classical Daoist anthology Zhuāngzǐ. To highlight the respects in which the Zhuāngzǐ can be read as posing a critical response to a Xunzian view of ritual propriety, the essay juxtaposes the two texts' views of language, since Xunzi's theory of ritual propriety is intertwined with his theory of language. I argue that a Zhuangist critique of the presuppositions of Xunzi's stance (...)
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  27.  22
    D'Alembert's Principle: The Original Formulation and Application in Jean d'Alembert'sTraité de Dynamique.Craig Fraser - 1985 - Centaurus 28 (1):31-61.
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  28.  87
    Zhuangzi and Particularism.Chris Fraser - 2022 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 49 (4):342-357.
    The Zhuangzi rejects the use of invariant general norms to guide action, instead stressing the importance of contextual factors in determining the apt course to take in particular situations. This stance might seem to present a variety of moral particularism, the view that general norms play no fundamental role in moral thought and judgment. I argue against interpreting the Zhuangzi as committed to particularism and thus denying that dao rests on, is shaped by, or comprises general patterns or norms. Instead, (...)
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  29. Adaptation, Exaptation, By-Products, and Spandrels in Evolutionary Explanations of Morality.Benjamin James Fraser - 2010 - Biological Theory 5 (3):223-227.
    Adaptationist accounts of morality attempt to explain the evolution of morality in terms of the selective advantage that judging in moral terms secured for our ancestors (e.g. Ruse 1998; Joyce 2006; Street 2006). So-called by-product explanations of morality have been presented as an alternative to adaptationist accounts (e.g. Prinz 2009; Ayala 2010; cf. Darwin 2004/1871). In assessing the relationship between adaptationist and by-product accounts, care must be taken to distinguish several related but importantly different notions: innateness, adaptation, exaptation, spandrel, and (...)
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  30.  34
    The nature of Prozac.Mariam Fraser - 2001 - History of the Human Sciences 14 (3):56-84.
    This article addresses the relations between ‘nature’ and ‘culture’ (and those characteristics associated with ‘the natural’ and ‘the cultural’) in the context of the debates about Prozac. Following Marilyn Strathern, I focus specifically on the contested issue of enablement - that is, on what Prozac does or does not enable, and on the relation between enablement and enhancement, normality and pathology. I argue that the implications of the model of the brain that accompanies explanations of Prozac are such that commentators (...)
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  31.  16
    Rationalism and Anti-rationalism in Later Mohism and the Zhuangzi.Chris Fraser - 2018 - In Carine Defoort & Roger T. Ames (eds.), Having a Word with Angus Graham: At Twenty-Five Years Into His Immortality. Albany, NY: Suny Series in Chinese Philoso. pp. 251–274.
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  32. Why overcoming prejudice is not enough: A rejoinder to Richard Rorty.Nancy Fraser - 2000 - Critical Horizons 1 (1):21-28.
    Misrecognition, taken seriously as unjust social subordination, cannot be remedied by eliminating prejudice alone. In this rejoinder to Richard Rorty, it is argued that a politics of recognition and a politics of redistribution can and should be combined. However, an identity politics that displaces redistribution and reifies group differences is deeply flawed. Here, instead, an alternative 'status' model of recognition politics is offered that encourages struggles to overcome status subordination and fosters parity of participation. Integrating this politics of recognition with (...)
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  33. The ethics of reality and virtual reality: Latour, facts and values.Mariam Fraser - 2006 - History of the Human Sciences 19 (2):45-72.
    In the context of the question of the extent to which science studies is able to mount an adequate critique of contemporary developments in science and technology, and in view of the proliferating interest in ethics across the social sciences, this article has two aims. Firstly to address some of the implications for ethics of Bruno Latour's, and to a lesser extent Alfred North Whitehead’s, conceptions of reality, both of which have a bearing on the long-standing dichotomy between facts and (...)
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    D'Alembert's Principle: The Original Formulation and Application in Jean d'Alembert'sTradé de Dynamique.Craig Fraser - 1985 - Centaurus 28 (2):145-159.
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  35.  24
    The Early History of Hamilton-Jacobi Dynamics 1834?1837.Michiyo Nakane & Craig G. Fraser - 2002 - Centaurus 44 (3-4):161-227.
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  36.  15
    The Hall coefficients of α-phase Ag-Li alloys in the range 6-300°K.C. M. Hurd, J. E. A. Alderson, R. D. Barnard & L. D. Calvert - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 20 (167):943-949.
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  37.  31
    27. The Theory of the Public Sphere: The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere (1962).Nancy Fraser - 2018 - In Hauke Brunkhorst, Regina Kreide & Cristina Lafont (eds.), The Habermas handbook. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 245-255.
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  38.  16
    Rationalism and Anti-Rationalism in Later Mohism and the Zhuāngzǐ.Chris Fraser - 2018 - In Carine Defoort & Roger T. Ames (eds.), Having a Word with Angus Graham: At Twenty-Five Years Into His Immortality. Albany, NY: Suny Series in Chinese Philoso. pp. 251-274.
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  39.  44
    Does Mills’ epistemology suggest a hermeneutic injustice of White Afroscepticism?Sheron Fraser-Burgess - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (4-5):826-841.
    Charles Mills posits an epistemology of ignorance that underwrites the complicity of Whites, or people of Western European descent, as signatories of the racial contract. There is prevailing discourse about the complicity of White persons in perpetuating racism and whether they can experience epistemic injustice. In this paper, the claim to hermeneutical injustice, in particular, makes a further assertion that moral blameworthiness is mitigated for a subcategory of White Americans because of being socialized into a White-dominant culture of caste-based Afroscepticism. (...)
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  40.  19
    The extended Umwelt principle: Uexküll and the nature of time.J. T. Fraser - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (134).
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  41. Absolutely general knowledge.Rachel Elizabeth Fraser & Beau Madison Mount - 2020 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103 (3):547-566.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Volume 103, Issue 3, Page 547-566, November 2021.
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    Quantum Epistemology and Constructivism.Patrick Fraser, Nuriya Nurgalieva & Lídia del Rio - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (6):1561-1574.
    Constructivist epistemology posits that all truths are knowable. One might ask to what extent constructivism is compatible with naturalized epistemology and knowledge obtained from inference-making using successful scientific theories. If quantum theory correctly describes the structure of the physical world, and if quantum theoretic inferences about which measurement outcomes will be observed with unit probability count as knowledge, we demonstrate that constructivism cannot be upheld. Our derivation is compatible with both intuitionistic and quantum propositional logic. This result is implied by (...)
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  43. Alienation in the Older Marx.Nancy Fraser - 2006 - Contemporary Political Theory 5 (3):319-339.
    Where alienation is concerned, the older Marx has something to puzzle everyone. There are far too many uses of terminology related to the concept of alienation for those who assert the existence of a break in Marx's work to feel comfortable. Yet, the older Marx's account of alienation is much too subordinate and sporadic to constitute a really clear demonstration that there is no break. Supporters of a break have largely ignored the passages in the older Marx, where the alienation (...)
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  44.  44
    The third law in Newton's Waste book (or, the road less taken to the second law).Doreen L. Fraser - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 36 (1):43-60.
    On the basis of evidence drawn from the Waste book, Westfall and Nicholas have argued that Newton arrived at his second law of motion by reflecting on the implications of the first law. I analyze another argument in the Waste book which reveals that Newton also arrived at the second law by another very different route. On this route, it is the consideration of the third law and the principle of conservation of motion—and not the first law—that prompts Newton to (...)
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  45.  4
    Remembering Dick Bernstein.Nancy Fraser - 2024 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 45 (1):9-10.
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  46.  22
    Democratizing philosophy for children: of difference and diverse ideas in Gareth Matthews’ Corpus.Sheron Fraser-Burgess - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (2):592-601.
    Maughn Rollins Gregory and Meghan Jane Laverty’s Gareth B. Matthews, The Child’s Philosopher explores the Philosophy for Children movement, and the way the work of Gareth B. Matthews carried forward its key components. In this paper, I consider the impact of Matthews’ embeddedness within a Western philosophical tradition, even as he strives mightily to propose a broad-minded approach to P4C. I draw upon the work of Amasa Philip Ndofirepi to explore the tensions and possibilities in reconciling Western and non-Western approaches (...)
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  47.  21
    The Social Nature of Epistemically Normative Deliberation.Sheron Andrea Fraser-Burgess - 2008 - Philosophy of Education 64:219-227.
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  48.  40
    Deliberating through Group Differences in Education for Trust and Respect.Sheron Fraser-Burgess - 2011 - Journal of Thought 46 (3-4):45.
  49.  61
    Rome and Rhodes.P. M. Fraser - 1959 - The Classical Review 9 (01):64-.
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    Secular schools, spirituality and Maori values.Deborah Fraser - 2004 - Journal of Moral Education 33 (1):87-95.
    New Zealand has had free, state, secular education since 1877, but just what is meant by secularism is changing. Since the 1980s the growth of Maori education initiatives has mushroomed and these place emphasis on Maori values and beliefs, including spirituality. In addition, in 1999 a definition and statement on spirituality appeared in the health and physical education national curriculum document. This statement referred to values, beliefs, meaning and purpose. It also incorporated a Maori model of well‐being which places the (...)
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